Saturday, August 24, 2024

8:00AM-6:00PM New and transfer student check-in

📍Hinkle Fieldhouse parking lot

  • Residential Students: Set arrival time for check-in is based on a student’s room location within the residence hall. This time is emailed in early August.
  • Commuter Students: May arrive any time between 8:00 AM–4:30 PM ET.

10:00 AM–5:00 PM  Relaxation Station
📍Orientation Tent, Butler Way Mall

Throughout the day, the Relaxation Station will offer restful and relaxing activities to help students and families. Throughout the day, the Relaxation Station will offer restful and relaxing activities to help students and families. Build-a-plant, coloring, fidget toys, snacks, note-writing. Slow yoga at 1:00 PM (bring a mat!) and you can sign up for neck/shoulder massages (available 1:30-3:30 PM).

11:00 AM–1:00 PM  Butler Brew energy drink sampling: Lotus Energy Drinks
📍Orientation Tent, Clowes Mall

2:00–5:00 PM  Irwin Library Open House —Duck Drop Event 
📍Irwin Library

Drop by Irwin Library to try your hand at the famous Irwin Fountain Duck Drop competition. Meet library staff and faculty, learn about library services, and enjoy refreshments and a rest from the heat. The Duck Drop competition is a rite of passage you won’t want to miss!

2:00–5:00 PM  Resource Fair
📍Orientation Tent, Atherton Mall

Drop in at the Resource Fair to meet with representatives from campus offices and external entities that serve and support our students. Stay for as long or short as you want!

5:30–6:30 PM  Student-athlete welcome for athletes and parents
📍Hinkle Fieldhouse

Required for all new student athletes; families are encouraged to attend. Dinner will be served for student athletes and their families. 

7:30–8:20 PM  Student Orientation Group Meetings (required)
📍The location of your orientation group will be emailed to your email account (around August 19 or 20, 2024)

Spend time with your Orientation Group and student leaders. You will have touch points with your group each day of Orientation and your group is made of students from your First-Year Seminar.

8:30–9:30 PM  Family presentation and dessert reception
📍Clowes Memorial Hall

While students are in their required residence hall or commuter meetings, please come learn from University administrators on how we support our Butler families while also meeting and connecting with other Butler families. Dress is casual.

8:30–10:30 PM  Residence hall meetings for new students (required for residential students)
📍Residential College (ResCo) & Irvington House

8:30–10:00 PM  Commuter meeting for new students (required for commuter students)
📍Pharmacy Building Room 150

New commuter students will pick up their Orientation t-shirt and meet with campus representatives as well as returning commuter students.

10:00 PM–12:30 AM  Splash Into BU! 
📍Atherton Union, Atherton Mall
Co-sponsored with the University Program Council (Butler UPC)

New students, join us for free food, play some rounds of Bin-glow under the tent for prizes, tie-dye some apparel items, play in our splash pad, dunk a Student Orientation Guide (SOG), lawn games and inflatables on the Atherton Mall, arts and crafts, and much more!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

9:30-10:30 AM Butler University Convocation (required)
📍Clowes Memorial Hall

As a Bulldog, there are two events that mark your academic journey at Butler: your induction as a scholar at convocation and your commencement as a graduate. Join President James M. Danko, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Brooke Barnett, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Frank E. Ross III, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Lori Green, and other University leaders as we celebrate your formal welcome to Butler University as a student. Students will sit together on the main floor and first terrace of Clowes, families will sit on all of the terraces. Overflow family seating available in the Schrott Center for the Performing Arts.

Incoming Class Photo
📍Lawn in front of Clowes Memorial Hall
Rain date: Monday, August 26, 6:00 PM

Convocation Reception
📍 Atherton Mall
Inclement Weather Location: Dugan Hall

Immediately following the Butler University Convocation, please join Butler University faculty, deans, and administrators at a reception. 

11:30 AM–1:00 PM Family Lunch On Your Own

11:30 AM-1:00 PM Family lunch on your own

Families can eat lunch at A-Town Cafe or A-Town Market in Atherton Union, Midtown Provisions in Residential College, or off-campus.

11:30 AM–1:15 PM Commuter Student Center open
📍Atherton Union, Commuter Student Center, Room 011 

11:30 AM–12:30 PM  Butler Catholic Community Mass
📍Atherton Union, Reilly Room 

Join the Butler Catholic Community for the celebration of Mass.
Lunch will be served to Mass attendees. 

1:00-1:30 PM Family Farewell

Please use this time to say goodbye before student orientation group meetings begin. 

1:30–2:30 PM Jordan College of the Arts (JCA) Family Reception
📍Schrott Center for the Arts, Lobby

Meet the JCA Dean, members of the JCA faculty & staff, and other
new JCA families. Light refreshments will be served.

1:30–5:00 PM Student Orientation Group Meetings (required
📍The location of your orientation group will be emailed to your email account (around August 19 or 20, 2024)

Spend time with your Student Orientation Guides and Group, learning invaluable information about how to succeed as a student.

Identity + Me
Orientation Group Rooms
Explore your own identities and how an awareness of them can lead to opportunities to establish and maintain belonging for yourself and others. This engaging session will build skills of self-reflection, communication, trust, and appreciation for diversity. Regardless of one’s identity, each student will participate in this experience by acknowledging several different components of their own identity and reflecting on their experiences of them.  

5:00–7:30 PM Campus Picnic for new Students
📍Pick up food in A-Town Café, take plates out to the Atherton Mall and Butler Way Mall tents | Inclement weather location: Atherton Union dining hall
Please bring your Butler University ID.

6:00–8:00 PM Commuter Student Center Open 
📍Atherton Union, Commuter Student Center, Room 011

Commuter students can hang out in this gathering space before the next required program. Commuter students will have access to meals in Atherton Marketplace.

6:00–8:30 PM  Butler Men’s Soccer Match
📍Sellick Bowl

Come cheer on the Dawgs as they take on Western Illinois!

8:30–9:00 PM Tail-Gate
📍Hinkle Fieldhouse Tents

Grab some spirit gear to cheer on Butler’s spirit crews at the Let’s Go Dawgs event!

9:00–10:00 PM Let’s Go Dawgs! (required)
📍Hinkle Fieldhouse

Join the Orientation Team and get hyped with Butler spirit! Meet the Butler Cheerleaders, Dance Team, Pep Band, Blue, and hear from Butler Athletics’ Coaches. Learn Butler cheers, the fight song, and more. 

10:00 PM–12:30 AM  First Night, Late Night @ BU! 
📍Atherton Union, Atherton Mall | Inclement Weather Location for Olympics: Health and Recreation Complex

Pick your favorite song to Karaoke in the Irwin Library, play some board games and make friendship bracelets while the singers serenade you. Design a college pennant to hang in your room, play on the inflatables on the mall, and much more! Grab some snacks too!

Dress in your favorite monochromatic color (yellow, black, red, green, blue) so you can join an Olympics squad to participate in competitions and games. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

9:15AM-9:45AM Academic Day Welcome
📍 North Atherton Mall (Inclement Weather Location Orientation Group Rooms)

Gather with your fellow students to discover the purpose and excitement of the Academic Day tradition. Plus, there might be some unexpected surprises to keep the fun rolling!

10:00 AM–1:15 PM Academic Day (required)

  • College Meetings
    📍Locations to be announced
    Required for all new first year and transfer students 
  • Department Meetings
    📍Locations will be announced during college meetings.
    Required for all new first year and transfer students
  • Department Meetings
    📍Locations will be announced during department meetings.
    Required for all new first year and transfer students

11:00 AM–1:00 PM Butler Brew Spotlight on Local Partners
📍Dugan Hall, Atrium

Grab some samples from our local partners for no cost!

1:30–2:30 PM Student Orientation Group Meetings (required
📍The location of your orientation group will be emailed to your email account (around August 19 or 20, 2024)

Common Read Book Discussion
More information about this year’s common read will be available in your incoming student Canvas course launching mid-July.

2:30–4:00 PM Spaces for “We”

Spaces for “We” is a unique experience during which campus affinity groups of our underrepresented populations will informally gather with first year students to build connections, offer support, and enjoy the community! Allies welcome!  

Locations will be reserved for the following identities:  

  1. LGBTQIA+ 
  2. Students of Color 
  3. Disabled/Students with Disabilities  
  4. First Generation 
  5. Commuters  
  6. Jewish 
  7. Muslim 

Attendees can visit multiple spaces even if they do not share that identity. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP using this link to receive room locations. Questions can be sent to Lauryn Jones.  

4:30–8:30 PM Dinner (for all students) 
📍 Atherton Union, Dining Hall

Please bring your Butler University ID. Meal plans are accepted.

5:00–6:00 PM Special Dietary Needs? 
📍 Atherton Union, Dining Hall

Maximize your meal plan! Meet with dining hall managers and learn about campus resources for those who have food allergies, intolerances, and special dietary needs. (Also offered on Tuesday at 12:00 PM.)

5:00–10:00 PM JCAMusic Ensemble Auditions
📍Various locations, details online, advance sign-up required

Sign up for an audition and view  details at this link If your placement audition time conflicts with an Orientation session, please contact Dr. Trae Blanco at

6:00–7:30 PM Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Kick-Off (Morton Finney Diversity Scholars only)
📍Fairview Community Room

Join new and returning Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars for program
overview, dinner, and activities.

7:00–8:45 PM Playfair
📍North Atherton Mall | Inclement weather location: Health and Recreation Complex (HRC)

Meet hundreds of new students while playing icebreakers and games!

8:30 (Immediately following Playfair)–9:45 PM Compass Center Ice Cream Social and Open House
📍Compass Center (The blue house across from Schrott)

Join The Compass Center  communities to learn how to get involved in religious, spiritual, and secular organizations at Butler. Broad Ripple Ice Cream Shop (BRICS) sponsors the delicious ice cream offered!

10:00 PM–12:30 AM Late Night @ BU Co-Hosted with University Program Council (@Butler.UPC)
📍Atherton Union, Atherton Mall, Clowes Mall Tents

Join new and returning students to dance the night away at the Glow Rave in the tent. Head to the E-Sports Park to play video games. Design a tote bag or decorate a pencil case for your school supplies. Dig in the dirt and plant a mini plant for your room. Head to the firepits to build a s’more, play on the inflatables on the mall, and enjoy outdoor other exciting activities!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

9:009:45 AM Wake Up With Wellness
📍Atherton Union Mall

Use this time for your best self-care: sleep-in, participate in Eco Therapy walking trails around campus, or do something you love to recharge – walk, run, meditate, read, write, or grab a coffee with a new friend.

9:30–10:30 AM Food for Your Wellbeing with the Dietitian
📍Atherton Union Mall (Inclement weather location: Fairview Community Room)

Grab a healthy snack on the way to programs!

9:30–11:00 AM Starbucks Seasonal Drink Spotlight
📍Outside Starbucks

Sample the latest drinks from Starbucks! FREE!

9:45 AM–12:00 PM Student Orientation Group Meetings
📍The location of your orientation group will be emailed to your email account (around August 19 or 20, 2024)

Collective Unity
Orientation Group Rooms
The founding mission of Butler University includes a significant investment in equitable access to a college education and experience. During the Collective Unity session students will explore the many resources, settings, and opportunities to engage with diversity, equity, & and inclusion here at Butler. This session will prepare you for the role that each of us can play in continuing our institution’s founding and ongoing mission of a unified community in which all members can thrive.

Alcohol + You @ BU
Orientation Group Rooms
Learn how to BU|BeWell while navigating social situations during your college experience. This interactive session will debunk common myths around drugs and alcohol, and empower you to make healthy, informed decisions to keep you and your friends safe.

11:00 AM–1:00 PM A-Town Market Samplings 
📍South End of Mall

Samples of A-Town Market favorites.

11:00 AM–1:00 PM Lunch
📍Atherton Union dining hall

Please bring your Butler University ID. Meal plans are accepted.

12:00–1:00 PM Special Dietary Needs?
📍Atherton Union dining hall

Maximize your meal plan! Meet with dining hall managers and learn about campus resources for those who have food allergies, intolerances, and special dietary needs.

12:00–1:30 PM Commuter Student Meeting (required for commuter students)
📍Robertson Hall, Johnson Board Room

Lunch will be provided.

12:30–1:30 PM Honors Student Meeting
📍Jordan Hall Room 141

Official welcome and orientation for the newest members of the University Honors Program. Incoming Honors Program students will learn about mentors, program requirements, and other matters related to Honors at Butler. Lunch will be provided.

1:00 – 4:00 PM  Commuter student center open
📍Atherton Union, Commuter Student Center, Room 011

Commuter students can hang out in this gathering space before the next required program.

1:30 – 2:30 PM  Indiana State Grant recipients’ session (required for Frank O’Bannon Grant and 21st Century Scholar recipients)
📍Atherton Union, Reilly Room

All students who have been awarded an Indiana State Grant through the Frank O’Bannon Grant program OR the Indiana 21st Century Scholars program are required to attend this session.  Your financial aid may be delayed in posting to your account if you do not attend. This session will explain the Indiana State requirements to ensure that you continue to receive your Indiana State Grants. If you are unsure if you are required to attend, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at

2:30 – 3:15 PM  Money Matters—One on One Discussions
(This session is also offered on Wednesday at 4:00 PM)
📍Jordan Hall, Room 155

Representatives from Financial Aid and Student Accounts will assist you with any questions you have regarding your financial aid, loan options, billing statements, due dates and payment options. Feel free to stop by during this time to make sure you’re all set for financial success!

If you’re unable to stop by during this time, both offices are open during normal business hours:

  • Financial Aid 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM | Email | Phone: 317-940-8200
    📍Robertson Hall, Lower Lever
  • Student Accounts 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM | Email: | Phone: 317-940-9353
    📍Jordan Hall, 102

1:30 – 4:00 PM  New Athlete Orientation (required for athletes)
📍Gallahue Hall, Room 104

2:00 – 4:00 PM  Ballet Placement Class (required for incoming dance majors)
📍Lilly Hall, Studio 310

3:30 – 4:15 PM  Student Disability Services Orientation (required for students registered with SDS only)
📍Jordan Hall, Room 141

If a student wants to learn more about how to register with SDS,
please email

5:30 – 8:00 PM  Student Involvement Fair: Block Party
📍Atherton Mall, Butler Way Mall

Meet representatives from many of Butler’s 200+ student groups. Hosted by the Office of Student Activities. For a list of all recognized student groups, visit Butler Engage.